Mental Health, Patient News
If your parents repeatedly exhorted you to count your blessings, it may well prove to be one of the best pieces of medical advice they shared. In this season of giving and thankfulness, we share a brief synopsis of how gratitude – defined as appreciation of what...
Healthy Aging, Patient News
“I’m having a senior moment. I’m too old to try that. I look good for my age. It’s time to put her/him out to pasture. These are just aches and pains from old age. Sweetie, you don’t look a day over 29. Ok boomer. There will be a tsunami of aging dependents in...
Mental Health, Patient News
Like so many popular 20th century concepts, the image of a man in an existential crisis at age 50 who trades in his long-time wife and car for newer models is on the wane – and may never have been correct. Psychoanalyst Elliott Jaques coined the term in 1965 to...