Patient Benefits

Direct communication with me or my assistant during business hours.
Unlike many other medical practices, when you call my office during office hours there will be no recording to navigate… only real people to take your call, with a real concern for your health and well-being. Should you need to leave a message, your phone call will be returned promptly. If you deem your problem “urgent” I will make every effort to speak to you at the time of your call.

My personal cell phone number will be provided to you.
This allows easy and direct communications for urgent medical problems that occur outside of my regular office hours. I will use my reasonable best efforts to be available to hear from you when you are ill or injured, to coordinate your care. My goal is to reduce emergency room and urgent care clinic visits. For emergencies always call 911 first.

Convenient email communication for non-urgent health issues or questions.
You will receive a prompt response from me personally (usually within 24 hours). Because email communication is not always secure, please use discretion when choosing topics to discuss with me via this platform. Your patient portal is the best way to communicate securely and confidentially.

Little or no office waiting room time, and longer appointments.
Office visits will start promptly with little or no waiting in a wait or exam room. Appointments will generally be scheduled for 30 minutes, and appointments for a Comprehensive Annual Health Assessment will be scheduled for 60 minutes. These appointments are twice the length of time of a typical traditional practice. Our goal is to afford you the time to thoroughly address all your questions and concerns, regardless of the reason for your visit.

Extended office hours.
Office visits are best scheduled when the full complement of staff is available. However, should you require occasional visits outside of our usual office hours, we will certainly do our best to reasonably accommodate you.

Strong focus on preventive medicine and long-term health and wellness.
As part of my commitment to your long-term health and wellness, my philosophy is to educate you about the importance of fitness, weight management, healthy living and, in addition to the clinical services I already offer through my practice, I will assist you to identify and evaluate wellness providers and offerings. This will support your effort to take an active role in managing and maintaining your good health.

Personalized hospital care.
Should you need to be hospitalized, I will make myself available when I can to communicate with you and to serve as an advocate on your behalf, even when you are admitted to a facility at which I do not have privileges or where I am not your attending physician. If you wish, unless hospital policy or protocol does not allow, I will do what I reasonably can to remain involved in your care by communicating with the hospitalists or other attending physician who is providing services to you.